Monday, September 1, 2008
#0055 The Moral of the Story

By Glaivester
And so the moral Wiggles da Rabbit was trying to teach Mikhail was that you have to let your friends (or in Mickey's case, his sister) help you.
Ekaterina "E-Kat" Lovjorski is Mikhail's 15-year-old sister, perpetually a sophomore in high school. Note that he eyes are empty like Mickey's and that her hair is in a complementary pattern to his; black with brown stripes inside, whereas his is brown with black stripes.
Other characters with two-color hair are Kenneth Hurstley (black with gray stripes) and Robyn Packer (light red-brown highlights framing a dark red-brown body). Robyn is so far the only character who has two-color hair that is not designed in a stripy pattern.
The "Milk Empress" franchise is a intended to be a play on "Dairy Queen."
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#0054 Friends

By Glaivester
Shope Papilloma is a disease that makes rabbits grow keratinoius carcinomas (horn-like tumors) and may, in part, be responsible for the legend of the jackalope.
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Sunday, August 31, 2008
#0053 Carrots

By Glaivester
This joke is pretty much unrelated to anything else in this storyline, but I wanted to use it because I had thought of it a long time ago (probably when I was in fifth or sixth grade in 1990-1991). It came from the fact that I had a guinea pig and my brother had a rabbitt, and I noticed that unlike Bugs Bunny they didn't stop eating when they finished the root. Of course, they did eat the orange part too, but I liked the idea of a rabbit who only liked the greens.
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Monday, August 18, 2008
#0052 More Wiggly Mischief

By Glaivester
Wiggles da Rabbit is a fantasy rabbit, which explains his omnivorous food choices.
I just realized that Mikhail's room has been portrayed as purple since #0042, while it was originally portrayed as sky blue in #0025. I think it will be purple from now on, and the previous color will just be considered a mistake. However, the color of downstairs is a sort of seafoam both in #0025 and now.
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Wednesday, August 13, 2008
#0051 Anxieties

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Not a very original joke, I'm afraid.
So more on the characterizations. Wiggles da Rabbit is meant to sound like some low-pitch voiced cabbie from somewhere in lower-class New York. This bit of surrealism is designed more or less to once again show Mikhail's wacky side and to provide some "funny animal" moments without making funny animals exist literally in the "Augustawell Universe."
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Monday, August 11, 2008
#0050 Wiggles Da Rabbit

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The re-appearance of that weird rabbit from strip #0042! He is likely to become a recurring guest character on the series, along with Angus McGuffy and the Hobson's Choice Guy.
I have had trouble keeping the size and shape of Scott's chin straight. It should be large, somewhat pointed, and tilted to one side (see the 1st panel of #0049). Too often I have made it symmetrical (1st panel of #0048, or too big (today's comic) or not pointy enough (see his profile picture). My hope is that the more I draw each character, the more consistent they will all become.
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Friday, August 8, 2008
#0049 Scott Dresses Up

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In case it isn't obvious from the context, Scott and Robyn are going to a science fiction convention, and are going as a couple.
Scott is dressed as Mimic (Calvin Rankin) and Robyn as Blink (Clarice Ferguson), specifically the versions from Exiles.
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