Monday, August 4, 2008
#0045 Patience, Kilroy, and the Fence

In case you are unaware of this expression, here is the wikipedia entry and a picture of it as a graffito with an accompanying picture.
This strip reveals a lot about Patience and Chastity's relationship. They bicker a lot, but are willing to help each other out. Patience, being a Freshman in college (actually, she just finished her freshman year, but will be a freshman again next year, this not being a "real time aging" strip), is still interested in the fate of the girls who are still in high school (although it is not stated, the girls they are spying on are high school girls). She was unpopular in high school, and seeks to help out others like herself. When it comes to women whom she feels are "out," she can be as passionate for justice as Emerson is for his various political and economic causes.
Chastity cannot resist jabs at her sister's appearance, to which Patience responds by threatening physical violence (which is consistent with her previous behavior in chasing those who needled her). This is the first strip in which Patience comes off more sympathetic than another major character (unless you count the bit-part Kenneth has in #0014).
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