Tuesday, July 15, 2008
#0030 Fight AIDS!

I originally was going to have the bleache-blond just explain to Scott that he wanted to make it illegal to smoke in a bar, but then I realized that it would look too artificial - too much like the Doonesbury "charcters expound Trudeau's political views" or the Day by Day "characters exist only to have Crossfire-like arguments with each other." So I added theidea of the petition to give the character a reason to bring the subject up.
Two problems - first, Scott is too young to sign the petition. But then again, the bleach-blond doesn't know that. Secondly, I did not draw the petition in the panel, which would have been better visually. I would revise the cartoon, but I tried just adding a petition and there is no way to do that well without entirely redrawing the bleach-blond's arms. I think that most people can assume that the petition is there just below the panel.
(Only click If you don't mind salty language). This blog post by Dan Savage (and threebs' un-PC response) was the inspiration for this strip.
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